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Container queries

Material UI provides a utility function for creating CSS container queries based on theme breakpoints.


To create CSS container queries, use theme.containerQueries with any method available in the theme.breakpoints. The value can be unitless (in which case it'll be rendered in pixels), a string, or a breakpoint key. For example:

theme.containerQueries.up('sm'); // => '@container (min-width: 600px)'
The house from the offer.
123 Main St, Phoenix AZ
$280,000 — $310,000
Confidence score: 85%

Named containment contexts

To refer to a containment context, call the containerQueries method with the name of the container for access to all breakpoint methods:

theme.containerQueries('sidebar').up('500px'); // => '@container sidebar (min-width: 500px)'

Shorthand syntax

When adding styles using the sx prop, use the @<size> or @<size>/<name> notation to apply container queries without referring to the theme.

  • <size>: a width or a breakpoint key.
  • <name> (optional): a named containment context.
The house from the offer.
123 Main St, Phoenix AZ
$280,000 — $310,000
Confidence score: 85%


  • The @ prefix with a unitless value renders as px, so @500 is equivalent to 500px—but @500px is incorrect syntax and won't render correctly.

  • @ with no number renders as 0px.

  • Container queries must share the same units (the sizes can be defined in any order), as shown below:

    // ✅ These container queries will be sorted correctly.
    padding: {
      '@40em': 4,
      '@20em': 2,
      '@': 0,
    // ❌ These container queries won't be sorted correctly
    //    because 40em is typically greater than 50px
    //    and the units don't match.
    padding: {
      '@40em': 4,
      '@50': 2,
      '@': 0,


CSS container queries support all the methods available in the breakpoints API.

// For default breakpoints
theme.containerQueries.up('sm'); // => '@container (min-width: 600px)'
theme.containerQueries.down('md'); // => '@container (max-width: 900px)'
theme.containerQueries.only('md'); // => '@container (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px)'
theme.containerQueries.between('sm', 'lg'); // => '@container (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1200px)'
theme.containerQueries.not('sm'); // => '@container (max-width: 600px)'