Data Grid - Master detail
Expand your rows to display additional information.
The master detail feature allows expanding a row to display additional information inside a panel.
To use this feature, pass a function to the getDetailPanelContent
prop with the content to be rendered inside the panel.
Any valid React element can be used as the row detail, even another grid.
By default, the detail panel height is 500px.
You can customize it by passing a function to the getDetailPanelHeight
This function must return either a number or the "auto"
If it returns a number, then the panel will use that value (in pixels) for the height.
If it returns "auto"
, then the height will be derived from the content.
getDetailPanelContent={({ row }) => <div>Row ID: {}</div>}
getDetailPanelHeight={({ row }) => 100} // Optional, default is 500px.
// or
getDetailPanelContent={({ row }) => <div>Row ID: {}</div>}
getDetailPanelHeight={({ row }) => 'auto'} // Height based on the content.
To expand a row, click on the + icon or press Space inside the detail toggle column.
Returning null
or undefined
as the value of getDetailPanelContent
will prevent the respective row from being expanded.
Infer height from the content
Like dynamic row height, you can also derive the detail panel height from its content.
For this, pass a function to the getDetailPanelHeight
prop returning "auto"
, as below:
<DataGridPro getDetailPanelHeight={() => 'auto'} />
The following example demonstrates this option in action:
Controlling expanded detail panels
To control which rows are expanded, pass a set of row IDs to the detailPanelExpandedRowIds
Passing a callback to the onDetailPanelExpandedRowIds
prop can be used to detect when a row gets expanded or collapsed.
On the other hand, if you only want to initialize the Data Grid with some rows already expanded, use the initialState
prop as follows:
<DataGridPro initialState={{ detailPanel: { expandedRowIds: new Set([1, 2, 3]) } }}>
Lazy loading detail panel content
You don't need to provide the content for detail panels upfront. Instead, you can load it lazily when the row is expanded.
In the following example, the DetailPanelContent
component is fetching the data on mount.
This component is used by the getDetailPanelContent
prop to render the detail panel content.
Using a detail panel as a form
As an alternative to the built-in row editing, a form component can be rendered inside the detail panel, allowing the user to edit the current row values.
The following demo shows integration with react-hook-form, but other form libraries are also supported.
Customizing the detail panel toggle
To change the icon used for the toggle, you can provide a different component for the icon slot as follow:
detailPanelExpandIcon: CustomExpandIcon,
detailPanelCollapseIcon: CustomCollapseIcon,
If this is not sufficient, the entire toggle component can be overridden.
To fully customize it, add another column with field: GRID_DETAIL_PANEL_TOGGLE_FIELD
to your set of columns.
The grid will detect that there is already a toggle column defined and it will not add another toggle in the default position.
The new toggle component can be provided via renderCell
in the same as any other column.
By only setting the field
, is up to you to configure the remaining options (for example disable the column menu, filtering, sorting).
To already start with a few suggested options configured, spread GRID_DETAIL_PANEL_TOGGLE_COL_DEF
when defining the column.
renderCell: (params) => <CustomDetailPanelToggle {...params} />
// or
...GRID_DETAIL_PANEL_TOGGLE_COL_DEF, // Already contains the right field
renderCell: (params) => <CustomDetailPanelToggle {...params}>
This approach can also be used to change the location of the toggle column, as shown below.
Custom header for detail panel column
To render a custom header for the detail panel column, use the renderHeader
property in the column definition.
This property receives a GridRenderHeaderParams
object that contains colDef
(the column definition) and field
The following example demonstrates how to render a custom header for the detail panel column:
const columns = [
renderHeader: (params) => (
<button onClick={() => console.log('Custom action')}>Custom action</button>
//... other columns
Disable detail panel content scroll
By default, the detail panel has a width that is the sum of the widths of all columns.
This means that when a horizontal scrollbar is present, scrolling it will also scroll the panel content.
To avoid this behavior, set the size of the detail panel to the outer size of the Data Grid.
Use apiRef.current.getRootDimensions()
to get the latest dimension values.
Finally, to prevent the panel from scrolling, set position: sticky
and left: 0
The following demo shows how this can be achieved. Notice that the toggle column is pinned to make sure that it will always be visible when the Data Grid is scrolled horizontally.
More examples of how to customize the detail panel:
- One expanded detail panel at a time
- Expand or collapse all detail panels
- Toggling detail panels on row click
The grid exposes a set of methods that enables all of these features using the imperative apiRef
. To know more about how to use it, check the API Object section.
getExpandedDetailPanels: () => Set<GridRowId>
setExpandedDetailPanels: (ids: Set<GridRowId>) => void
toggleDetailPanel: (id: GridRowId) => void