ChartDataProvider API
API reference docs for the React ChartDataProvider component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.
import { ChartDataProvider } from '@mui/x-charts/context';
// or
import { ChartDataProvider } from '@mui/x-charts';
// or
import { ChartDataProvider } from '@mui/x-charts-pro';
Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.
Orchestrates the data providers for the chart components and hooks.
Use this component if you have custom HTML components that need to access the chart data.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
series* | Array<object> | - | The array of series to display. Each type of series has its own specificity. Please refer to the appropriate docs page to learn more about it. |
colors | Array<string> | func | blueberryTwilightPalette | Color palette used to colorize multiple series. |
dataset | Array<object> | - | An array of objects that can be used to populate series and axes data using their |
height | number | - | The height of the chart in px. If not defined, it takes the height of the parent element. |
highlightedItem | { dataIndex?: number, seriesId?: number | string } | - | The item currently highlighted. Turns highlighting into a controlled prop. |
margin | { bottom?: number, left?: number, right?: number, top?: number } | object Depends on the charts type. | The margin between the SVG and the drawing area. It's used for leaving some space for extra information such as the x- and y-axis or legend. Accepts an object with the optional properties: |
onHighlightChange | func | - | The callback fired when the highlighted item changes. Signature: function(highlightedItem: HighlightItemData | null) => void
plugins | Array<object> | - | An array of plugins defining how to preprocess data. If not provided, the container supports line, bar, scatter and pie charts. |
skipAnimation | bool | - | If |
width | number | - | The width of the chart in px. If not defined, it takes the width of the parent element. |
xAxis | Array<{ classes?: object, colorMap?: { colors: Array<string>, type: 'ordinal', unknownColor?: string, values?: Array<Date | number | string> } | { color: Array<string> | func, max?: Date | number, min?: Date | number, type: 'continuous' } | { colors: Array<string>, thresholds: Array<Date | number>, type: 'piecewise' }, data?: array, dataKey?: string, disableLine?: bool, disableTicks?: bool, domainLimit?: 'nice' | 'strict' | func, fill?: string, hideTooltip?: bool, id?: number | string, label?: string, labelStyle?: object, max?: Date | number, min?: Date | number, position?: 'bottom' | 'top', reverse?: bool, scaleType?: 'band' | 'linear' | 'log' | 'point' | 'pow' | 'sqrt' | 'time' | 'utc', slotProps?: object, slots?: object, stroke?: string, sx?: Array<func | object | bool> | func | object, tickInterval?: 'auto' | array | func, tickLabelInterval?: 'auto' | func, tickLabelPlacement?: 'middle' | 'tick', tickLabelStyle?: object, tickMaxStep?: number, tickMinStep?: number, tickNumber?: number, tickPlacement?: 'end' | 'extremities' | 'middle' | 'start', tickSize?: number, valueFormatter?: func }> | - | The configuration of the x-axes. If not provided, a default axis config is used. An array of AxisConfig objects. |
yAxis | Array<{ classes?: object, colorMap?: { colors: Array<string>, type: 'ordinal', unknownColor?: string, values?: Array<Date | number | string> } | { color: Array<string> | func, max?: Date | number, min?: Date | number, type: 'continuous' } | { colors: Array<string>, thresholds: Array<Date | number>, type: 'piecewise' }, data?: array, dataKey?: string, disableLine?: bool, disableTicks?: bool, domainLimit?: 'nice' | 'strict' | func, fill?: string, hideTooltip?: bool, id?: number | string, label?: string, labelStyle?: object, max?: Date | number, min?: Date | number, position?: 'left' | 'right', reverse?: bool, scaleType?: 'band' | 'linear' | 'log' | 'point' | 'pow' | 'sqrt' | 'time' | 'utc', slotProps?: object, slots?: object, stroke?: string, sx?: Array<func | object | bool> | func | object, tickInterval?: 'auto' | array | func, tickLabelInterval?: 'auto' | func, tickLabelPlacement?: 'middle' | 'tick', tickLabelStyle?: object, tickMaxStep?: number, tickMinStep?: number, tickNumber?: number, tickPlacement?: 'end' | 'extremities' | 'middle' | 'start', tickSize?: number, valueFormatter?: func }> | - | The configuration of the y-axes. If not provided, a default axis config is used. An array of AxisConfig objects. |
zAxis | Array<{ colorMap?: { colors: Array<string>, type: 'ordinal', unknownColor?: string, values?: Array<Date | number | string> } | { color: Array<string> | func, max?: Date | number, min?: Date | number, type: 'continuous' } | { colors: Array<string>, thresholds: Array<Date | number>, type: 'piecewise' }, data?: array, dataKey?: string, id?: string, max?: number, min?: number }> | - | The configuration of the z-axes. |
is forwarded to the root element.Source code
If you did not find the information in this page, consider having a look at the implementation of the component for more detail.