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GaugeContainer API

API reference docs for the React GaugeContainer component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.



import { GaugeContainer } from '@mui/x-charts/Gauge';
// or
import { GaugeContainer } from '@mui/x-charts';
// or
import { GaugeContainer } from '@mui/x-charts-pro';

Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.


| string

The radius applied to arc corners (similar to border radius). Set it to '50%' to get rounded arc.

| string

The x coordinate of the arc center. Can be a number (in px) or a string with a percentage such as '50%'. The '100%' is the width the drawing area.

| string

The y coordinate of the arc center. Can be a number (in px) or a string with a percentage such as '50%'. The '100%' is the height the drawing area.


The end angle (deg).


The height of the chart in px. If not defined, it takes the height of the parent element.


This prop is used to help implement the accessibility logic. If you don't provide this prop. It falls back to a randomly generated id.

| string

The radius between circle center and the beginning of the arc. Can be a number (in px) or a string with a percentage such as '50%'. The '100%' is the maximal radius that fit into the drawing area.

| { bottom?: number, left?: number, right?: number, top?: number }

The margin between the SVG and the drawing area. It's used for leaving some space for extra information such as the x- and y-axis or legend.
Accepts a number to be used on all sides or an object with the optional properties: top, bottom, left, and right.

| string

The radius between circle center and the end of the arc. Can be a number (in px) or a string with a percentage such as '50%'. The '100%' is the maximal radius that fit into the drawing area.


The start angle (deg).


The value of the gauge. Set to null to not display a value.


The maximal value of the gauge.


The minimal value of the gauge.


The width of the chart in px. If not defined, it takes the width of the parent element.

The component cannot hold a ref.

Source code

If you did not find the information in this page, consider having a look at the implementation of the component for more detail.