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Migration from v7 to v8

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Date and Time Pickers from v7 to v8.


This is a reference guide for upgrading @mui/x-date-pickers from v7 to v8.

Start using the new release

In package.json, change the version of the date pickers package to next.

-"@mui/x-date-pickers": "7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-date-pickers": "next",

-"@mui/x-date-pickers-pro": "7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-date-pickers-pro": "next",

Using next ensures that it will always use the latest v8 pre-release version, but you can also use a fixed version, like 8.0.0-alpha.0.

Since v8 is a major release, it contains changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improved stability and to make room for new features. Described below are the steps needed to migrate from v7 to v8.

Run codemods

The preset-safe codemod will automatically adjust the bulk of your code to account for breaking changes in v8. You can run v8.0.0/pickers/preset-safe targeting only Date and Time Pickers or v8.0.0/preset-safe to target the other packages as well.

You can either run it on a specific file, folder, or your entire codebase when choosing the <path> argument.

# Date and Time Pickers specific
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v8.0.0/pickers/preset-safe <path>

# Target the other packages as well
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v8.0.0/preset-safe <path>

Breaking changes that are handled by this codemod are denoted by a ✅ emoji in the table of contents on the right side of the screen.

If you have already applied the v8.0.0/pickers/preset-safe (or v8.0.0/preset-safe) codemod, then you should not need to take any further action on these items.

All other changes must be handled manually.

@mui/material peer dependency change

The @mui/material peer dependency has been updated to ^7.0.0 in an effort to smoothen the adoption of hybrid ESM and CJS support. This change should resolve ESM and CJS interoperability issues in various environments.

✅ Rename date-fns adapter imports

  • The AdapterDateFns and AdapterDateFnsJalali adapters have been renamed to AdapterDateFnsV2 and AdapterDateFnsJalaliV2 respectively. If you were using the old imports, you need to update them:

    -import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFns';
    -import { AdapterDateFnsJalali } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsJalali';
    +import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsV2';
    +import { AdapterDateFnsJalali } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsJalaliV2';

    Or consider updating the date-fns or date-fns-jalali package to the latest version and use the updated adapters.

  • The AdapterDateFnsV3 and AdapterDateFnsJalaliV3 adapters have been renamed to AdapterDateFns and AdapterDateFnsJalali respectively. If you were using the old imports, you need to update them:

    -import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsV3';
    -import { AdapterDateFnsJalali } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsJalaliV3';
    +import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFns';
    +import { AdapterDateFnsJalali } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsJalali';

Components breaking changes

New DOM structure for the field

Before version v7.x, the fields' DOM structure consisted of an <input />, which held the whole value for the component. Unfortunately it presented accessibility limitations, which are impossible to resolve.

Starting with version v7.x, we have introduced a new DOM structure that allows the field component to set aria attributes on individual sections, providing a far better experience on screen readers. This approach is recommended in W3C ARIA example and is also used by native date HTML input element under the hood.

Starting with version v8.x, the new DOM structure is the default for all fields.

Fallback to the non-accessible DOM structure

<DateField enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure={false} />
<DatePicker enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure={false} />
<DateRangePicker enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure={false} />

Migrate slotProps.field

When using slotProps.field to pass props to your field component, the field consumes some props (for example shouldRespectLeadingZeros) and forwards the rest to the TextField.

  • For the props consumed by the field, the behavior should remain exactly the same with both DOM structures.

    Both components below will respect the leading zeroes on digit sections:

      slotProps={{ field: { shouldRespectLeadingZeros: true } }}
      slotProps={{ field: { shouldRespectLeadingZeros: true } }}
  • For the props forwarded to the TextField, you can have a look at the next section to see how the migration impact them.

    Both components below will render a small size UI:

      slotProps={{ field: { size: 'small' } }}
      slotProps={{ field: { size: 'small' } }}

Migrate slotProps.textField

If you are passing props to slotProps.textField, these props will now be received by PickersTextField and should keep working the same way as before.

Both components below will render a small size UI:

  slotProps={{ textField: { size: 'small' } }}
  slotProps={{ textField: { size: 'small' } }}

Migrate slots.field

If you are passing a custom field component to your pickers, you need to create a new one that is using the accessible DOM structure. This new component will need to use the PickersSectionList component instead of an <input /> HTML element.

You can have a look at the Using a custom input section to have a concrete example.

Migrate slots.textField

If you are passing a custom TextField component to your fields and pickers, you need to create a new one that is using the accessible DOM structure.

You can have a look at the Wrapping PickersTextField section to have a concrete example.

Migrate the theme

If you are using the theme to customize MuiTextField, you need to pass the same config to MuiPickersTextField:

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiTextField: {
      defaultProps: {
        variant: 'outlined',
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          '& .MuiInputLabel-outlined.Mui-focused': {
            color: 'red',
    MuiPickersTextField: {
      defaultProps: {
        variant: 'outlined',
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          '& .MuiInputLabel-outlined.Mui-focused': {
            color: 'red',

If you are using the theme to customize MuiInput, MuiOutlinedInput or MuiFilledInput, you need to pass the same config to MuiPickersInput, MuiPickersOutlinedInput or MuiPickersFilledInput:

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    // Replace with `MuiOutlinedInput` or `MuiFilledInput` if needed
    MuiInput: {
      defaultProps: {
        margin: 'dense',
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          color: 'red',
    // Replace with `MuiPickersOutlinedInput` or `MuiPickersFilledInput` if needed
    MuiPickersInput: {
      defaultProps: {
        margin: 'dense',
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          color: 'red',

If you are using the theme to customize MuiInputBase, you need to pass the same config to MuiPickersInputBase:

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiInputBase: {
      defaultProps: {
        margin: 'dense',
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          color: 'red',
    MuiPickersInputBase: {
      defaultProps: {
        margin: 'dense',
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          color: 'red',

⏩ Field editing on mobile Pickers

The field is now editable if rendered inside a mobile Picker. Before version v8.x, if rendered inside a mobile Picker, the field was read-only, and clicking anywhere on it would open the Picker. The mobile and desktop Pickers now behave similarly:

  • clicking on the field allows editing the value with the keyboard
  • clicking on the input adornment opens the Picker

⏩ New default fields for the range pickers

The range pickers now use single input fields by default:

  • Date Range Picker: <SingleInputDateRangeField /> instead of <MultiInputDateRangeField />
  • Time Range Picker: <SingleInputTimeRangeField /> instead of <MultiInputTimeRangeField />
  • Date Time Range Picker: <SingleInputDateTimeRangeField /> instead of <MultiInputDateTimeRangeField />

You can manually pass the multi input fields to your picker if you prefer them:

 import { DateRangePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateRangePicker';
+import { MultiInputDateRangePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateRangePicker';

+  slots={{ field: MultiInputDateRangePicker }}

If you were already using a single input field, you no longer need to manually pass it to the picker:

 import { DateRangePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateRangePicker';
-import { SingleInputDateRangePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/SingleInputDateRangePicker';

-  slots={{ field: SingleInputDateRangePicker }}

⏩ Month Calendar

To simplify the theme and class structure, the <PickersMonth /> component has been moved inside the Month Calendar component. This change causes a few breaking changes:

  • The classes from pickersMonthClasses have been moved inside monthCalendarClasses:

    -import { pickersMonthClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/MonthCalendar';
    +import { monthCalendarClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/MonthCalendar';
    -const buttonClassName = pickersMonthClasses.monthButton;
    +const buttonClassName = monthCalendarClasses.button;
    -const selectedButtonClassName = pickersMonthClasses.selected;
    +const selectedButtonClassName = monthCalendarClasses.selected;
    -const disabledButtonClassName = pickersMonthClasses.disabled;
    +const disabledButtonClassName = monthCalendarClasses.disabled;
  • The monthButton slot of the PickersMonth style overrides has been replaced by the button slot of the MonthCalendar theme entry:

     const theme = createTheme({
       components: {
    -    PickersMonth: {
    +    MonthCalendar: {
           styleOverrides: {
    -        monthButton: {
    +        button: {
               color: 'red',
  • The button to render a single month is no longer wrapped in a <div />, the spacing are instead defined inside the root slot of the Month Calendar.

⏩ Year Calendar

To simplify the theme and class structure, the <PickersYear /> component has been moved inside the Year Calendar component. This change causes a few breaking changes:

  • The classes from pickersYearClasses have been moved inside yearCalendarClasses:

    -import { pickersYearClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/YearCalendar';
    +import { yearCalendarClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/YearCalendar';
    -const buttonClassName = pickersYearClasses.monthButton;
    +const buttonClassName = yearCalendarClasses.button;
    -const selectedButtonClassName = pickersYearClasses.selected;
    +const selectedButtonClassName = yearCalendarClasses.selected;
    -const disabledButtonClassName = pickersYearClasses.disabled;
    +const disabledButtonClassName = yearCalendarClasses.disabled;
  • The yearButton slot of the PickersYear style overrides has been replaced by the button slot of the YearCalendar theme entry:

     const theme = createTheme({
       components: {
    -    PickersYear: {
    +    YearCalendar: {
           styleOverrides: {
    -        yearButton: {
    +        button: {
               color: 'red',
  • The button to render a single year is no longer wrapped in a <div />, the spacing are instead defined inside the root slot of the Year Calendar.

⏩ Treat partially filled date as null in onChange

Before version v8.x, entering a partially filled date in the field would fire onChange with an invalid date. The date now remains null until fully filled.

Here are two concrete examples:

A user fills a Date Field that has no default value

  1. The user enters the month, the rendered value is 01/DD/YYYY, onChange is not fired.
  2. The user enters the day, the rendered value is 01/01/YYYY, onChange is not fired.
  3. The user enters the year, the rendered value is 01/01/2025, onChange is fired with the new date.

A user cleans the year of a Date Field and enters a new year

  1. The user cleans the year, the rendered value is 01/01/YYYY, onChange is fired with null.
  2. The user enters a new year, the rendered value is 01/01/2026, onChange is fired with the new date.

⏩ Deprecate the disableOpenPicker prop

The disableOpenPicker prop has been deprecated on all Picker components and will be removed in the next major release (v9.0.0). If you only want to allow editing through the field, you can use the field component directly:

-<DatePicker disableOpenPicker />
+<DateField />

-<TimePicker disableOpenPicker />
+<TimeField />

-<DateTimePicker disableOpenPicker />
+<DateTimeField />
-<DateRangePicker disableOpenPicker>
+<SingleInputDateRangeField> // If you want a single input for both dates.
+<MultiInputDateRangeField> // If you want one input for each date.

-<TimeRangePicker disableOpenPicker>
+<SingleInputTimeRangeField> // If you want a single input for both dates.
+<MultiInputTimeRangeField> // If you want one input for each date.

-<DateTimeRangePicker disableOpenPicker>
+<SingleInputDateTimeRangeField> // If you want a single input for both dates.
+<MultiInputDateTimeRangeField> // If you want one input for each date.

⏩ Update default closeOnSelect and Action Bar actions values

The default value of the closeOnSelect prop has been updated to false for all Picker components, except <DesktopDatePicker /> and <DesktopDateRangePicker />, which still have closeOnSelect set to true.

This change goes hand in hand with the new default actions prop value for the <PickersActionBar /> component. The default value of the actions prop has been updated to ['cancel', 'accept'] for all Picker components, except <DesktopDatePicker /> and <DesktopDateRangePicker />.

If the updated values do not fit your use case, you can override them.

Slots breaking changes

Slot: field

  • The component passed to the field slot no longer receives InputProps and inputProps props. You now need to manually add the UI to open the picker using the usePickerContext hook:

     import { unstable_useDateField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateField';
    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
     function CustomField(props) {
    +  const pickerContext = usePickerContext();
       return (
    -      InputProps={props.InputProps}
    +      InputProps={{
    +        ref: pickerContext.triggerRef,
    +        endAdornment: (
    +          <InputAdornment position="end">
    +            <IconButton
    +              onClick={() => pickerContext.setOpen((prev) => !prev)}
    +              edge="end"
    +              aria-label={fieldResponse.openPickerAriaLabel}
    +            >
    +              <CalendarIcon />
    +            </IconButton>
    +          </InputAdornment>
    +        ),
    +      }}

    If you are extracting the ref from InputProps to pass it to another trigger component, you can replace it with pickerContext.triggerRef:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
     function CustomField(props) {
    +  const pickerContext = usePickerContext();
       return (
    -      ref={props.InputProps?.ref}
    +      ref={pickerContext.triggerRef}
          Open picker

    If you are using a custom editing behavior, instead of using the openPickerAriaLabel property returned by the useXXXField hooks, you can generate it manually:

    +import { usePickerTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
     function CustomField(props) {
    +  const translations = usePickerTranslations();
    +  const formattedValue = props.value?.isValid() ? value.format('ll') : null;
    +  const ariaLabel = translations.openDatePickerDialogue(formattedValue);
       return (
    -      ref={props.InputProps?.ref}
    +      ref={pickerContext.triggerRef}
    +      aria-label={ariaLabel}
          Open picker
  • The component passed to the field slot no longer receives the value, onChange, timezone, format, disabled, className, sx, label, name, autoFocus, focused and readOnly props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { value } = props;
    -const { value } = props;
    +const { value } = usePickerContext();
    -const { onChange } = props;
    -onChange(dayjs(), { validationError: null });
    +const { setValue } = usePickerContext();
    -setValue(dayjs(), { validationError: null });
    -const { timezone } = props;
    +const { timezone } = usePickerContext();
    -const { format } = props;
    +const { fieldFormat } = usePickerContext();
    -const { disabled } = props;
    +const { disabled } = usePickerContext();
    -const { className } = props;
    +const { rootClassName } = usePickerContext();
    -const { sx } = props;
    +const { rootSx } = usePickerContext();
    -const { label } = props;
    +const { label } = usePickerContext();
    -const { name } = props;
    +const { name } = usePickerContext();
    -const { autoFocus } = props;
    +const { autoFocus: pickerAutoFocus, open } = usePickerContext();
    +const autoFocus = pickerAutoFocus && !open,
    -const { focused } = props;
    +const { open } = usePickerContext();
    +const focused = open ? true : undefined;
    -const { readOnly } = props;
    +const { readOnly } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the field slot no longer receives a ref. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const CustomField = React.forwardRef(function CustomField(props, ref) {
    -  return <input ref={ref} />;
    +function CustomField(props) {
    +  const { rootRef } = usePickerContext();
    +  return <input ref={rootRef} />;
  • The component passed to the field slot no longer receives the formatDensity, enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure, selectedSections, onSelectedSectionsChange and inputRef props. These props, formerly mirroring the picker's props, are no longer exposed. You can manually pass them using slotProps.field to keep the same behavior:

    +  slotProps={{
         field: {
           enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure: false,
           formatDensity: 'spacious',

    If you were not passing those props to the picker, then you can use their default values:

    • formatDensity: "dense"
    • enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure: true
    • selectedSections: undefined
    • onSelectedSectionsChange: undefined
    • inputRef: undefined

Slot: inputAdornment

  • The position props passed to the inputAdornment slot props no longer sets the position of the opening button. This allows defining the position of the opening and clear buttons independently. You can use the openPickerButtonPosition prop instead:

    -    inputAdornment: { position: 'start' },
    +    field: { openPickerButtonPosition: 'start' },

⏩ Slot: layout

  • The <PickersLayoutRoot /> and <PickersLayoutContentWrapper /> components must now receive the ownerState returned by usePickerLayout instead of their props:

    -const { toolbar, tabs, content, actionBar } = usePickerLayout(props);
    +const { toolbar, tabs, content, actionBar, ownerState } = usePickerLayout(props);
     return (
    -  <PickersLayoutRoot ownerState={props}>
    -    <PickersLayoutContentWrapper>
    +  <PickersLayoutRoot ownerState={ownerState}>
    +    <PickersLayoutContentWrapper ownerState={ownerState}>
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the value prop. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
     // This contains a small behavior change.
     // If the picker receives an invalid date,
     // the old value equals `null`.
     // the new value equals the invalid date received.
    -const { value } = props;
    +const { value } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the disabled and readOnly props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { disabled } = props;
    +const { disabled } = usePickerContext();
    -const { readOnly } = props;
    +const { readOnly } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the isRtl prop. You can use the useRtl hook from @mui/system instead:

    +import { useRtl } from '@mui/system/RtlProvider';
    -  const { isRtl } = props;
    +  const isRtl = useRtl();
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the orientation and isLandscape props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { orientation } = props;
    +const { orientation } = usePickerContext();
    -const { isLandscape } = props;
    +const { orientation } = usePickerContext();
    +const isLandscape = orientation === 'landscape';
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the wrapperVariant prop. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { wrapperVariant } = props;
    +const { variant } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the view, views and onViewChange props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { view } = props;
    +const { view } = usePickerContext();
    -const { views } = props;
    +const { views } = usePickerContext();
    -const { onViewChange } = props;
    +const { setView } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the onClear, onSetToday, onAccept, onCancel, onOpen, onClose onDismiss, onChange and onSelectShortcut props. You can use the usePickerActionsContext or the usePickerContext hooks instead:

    +import { usePickerActionsContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { onClear } = props;
    +const { clearValue } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onSetToday } = props;
    +const { setValueToToday } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onAccept } = props;
    +const { acceptValueChanges } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onCancel } = props;
    +const { cancelValueChanges } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onOpen } = props;
    +const { setOpen } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +const onOpen = event => {
    +  event.preventDefault();
    +  setOpen(true);
    -const { onClose } = props;
    +const { setOpen } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +const onClose = event => {
    +  event.preventDefault();
    +  setOpen(false);
     // This contains a small behavior change.
     // If the picker is not controlled and has a default value,
     // opening it and calling `acceptValueChanges` without any change will call `onAccept`
     // with the default value.
     // Whereas before, opening it and calling `onDimiss` without any change would
     // not have called `onAccept`.
    -const { onDismiss } = props;
    +const { acceptValueChanges } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +const onDismiss = acceptValueChanges
    -const { onChange } = props;
    -onChange(dayjs(), 'partial');
    -onChange(dayjs(), 'finish');
    +const { setValue } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +setValue(dayjs(), { changeImportance: 'set' });
    +setValue(dayjs(), { changeImportance: 'accept' });
    -const { onSelectShortcut } = props;
    -onSelectShortcut(dayjs(), 'accept', myShortcut);
    +const { setValue } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +setValue(dayjs(), { changeImportance: 'accept', shortcut: myShortcut });
  • The component passed to the layout slot no longer receives the rangePosition and onRangePositionChange on range pickers. You can use the usePickerRangePositionContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerRangePositionContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';
    -const { rangePosition } = props;
    +const { rangePosition } = usePickerRangePositionContext();
    -const { onRangePositionChange } = props;
    +const { setRangePosition } = usePickerRangePositionContext();

⏩ Slot: toolbar

  • The component passed to the toolbar slot no longer receives the value prop. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
     // This contains a small behavior change.
     // If the picker receives an invalid date,
     // the old value would equal `null`.
     // the new value would equal the invalid date received.
    -const { value } = props;
    +const { value } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the toolbar slot no longer receives the disabled and readOnly props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { disabled } = props;
    +const { disabled } = usePickerContext();
    -const { readOnly } = props;
    +const { readOnly } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the toolbar slot no longer receives the isLandscape prop. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { isLandscape } = props;
    +const { orientation } = usePickerContext();
    +const isLandscape = orientation === 'landscape';
  • The component passed to the toolbar slot no longer receives the view, views and onViewChange props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { view } = props;
    +const { view } = usePickerContext();
    -const { views } = props;
    +const { views } = usePickerContext();
    -const { onViewChange } = props;
    +const { onViewChange } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the toolbar slot no longer receives the onChange prop. You can use the usePickerActionsContext or the usePickerContext hooks instead:

    +import { usePickerActionsContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { onChange } = props;
    -onChange(dayjs(), 'partial');
    -onChange(dayjs(), 'finish');
    +const { setValue } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +setValue(dayjs(), { changeImportance: 'set' });
    +setValue(dayjs(), { changeImportance: 'accept' });
  • The component passed to the toolbar slot no longer receives the rangePosition and onRangePositionChange on range pickers, instead you can use the usePickerRangePositionContext hook:

    +import { usePickerRangePositionContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';
    -const { rangePosition } = props;
    +const { rangePosition } = usePickerRangePositionContext();
    -const { onRangePositionChange } = props;
    +const { setRangePosition } = usePickerRangePositionContext();

⏩ Slot: tabs

  • The component passed to the tabs slot no longer receives the view, views and onViewChange props. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { view } = props;
    +const { view } = usePickerContext();
    -const { views } = props;
    +const { views } = usePickerContext();
    -const { onViewChange } = props;
    +const { onViewChange } = usePickerContext();
  • The component passed to the tabs slot no longer receives the rangePosition and onRangePositionChange on range pickers, instead you can use the usePickerRangePositionContext hook:

    +import { usePickerRangePositionContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';
    -const { rangePosition } = props;
    +const { rangePosition } = usePickerRangePositionContext();
    -const { onRangePositionChange } = props;
    +const { setRangePosition } = usePickerRangePositionContext();

⏩ Slot: actionBar

  • The component passed to the actionBar slot no longer receives the onClear, onSetToday, onAccept and onCancel props. You can use the usePickerActionsContext or the usePickerContext hooks instead:

    +import { usePickerActionsContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { onClear } = props;
    +const { clearValue } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onSetToday } = props;
    +const { setValueToToday } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onAccept } = props;
    +const { acceptValueChanges } = usePickerActionsContext();
    -const { onCancel } = props;
    +const { cancelValueChanges } = usePickerActionsContext();

⏩ Slot: shortcuts

  • The component passed to the shortcuts slot no longer receives the isLandscape prop. You can use the usePickerContext hook instead:

    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { isLandscape } = props;
    +const { orientation } = usePickerContext();
    +const isLandscape = orientation === 'landscape';
  • The component passed to the shortcuts slot no longer receives the onChange prop. You can use the usePickerActionsContext or the usePickerContext hooks instead:

    -const { onChange } = props;
    -onChange(dayjs(), 'accept', myShortcut);
    +const { setValue } = usePickerActionsContext();
    +setValue(dayjs(), { changeImportance: 'accept', shortcut: myShortcut });
  • The component passed to the shortcuts slot no longer receives the isValid prop. You can use the useIsValidValue hook instead:

    +import { useIsValidValue } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -const { isValid } = props;
    -const isTodayValid = isValid(dayjs());
    +const isValidValue = useIsValidValue();
    +const isTodayValid = isValidValue(dayjs());

✅ Renamed variables and types

The following variables and types have been renamed to have a coherent Picker / Pickers prefix:

  • usePickersTranslations

    -import { usePickersTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -import { usePickersTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    -import { usePickersTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    +import { usePickerTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    +import { usePickerTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    +import { usePickerTranslations } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    -const translations = usePickersTranslations();
    +const translations = usePickerTranslations();
  • usePickersContext

    -import { usePickersContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    -import { usePickersContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    -import { usePickersContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';
    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    +import { usePickerContext } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    -const pickersContext = usePickersContext();
    +const pickerContext = usePickerContext();
  • FieldValueType

    -import { FieldValueType } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    -import { FieldValueType } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    -import { FieldValueType } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    +import { PickerValueType } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    +import { PickerValueType } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    +import { PickerValueType } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
  • RangeFieldSection

    -import { RangeFieldSection } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    -import { RangeFieldSection } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    +import { FieldRangeSection } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    +import { FieldRangeSection } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
  • PickerShortcutChangeImportance

    -import { PickerShortcutChangeImportance } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/PickersShortcuts';
    -import { PickerShortcutChangeImportance } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    -import { PickerShortcutChangeImportance } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
    +import { PickerChangeImportance } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    +import { PickerChangeImportance } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
    +import { PickerChangeImportance } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';

⏩ Hooks breaking changes


This hook has been removed in favor of the new useMultiInputRangeField hook with an improved DX:

 import useSlotProps from '@mui/utils/useSlotProps';
-import { unstable_useMultiInputDateRangeField as useMultiInputDateRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateRangeField';
+import { useDateRangeManager } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
+import { unstable_useMultiInputRangeField as useMultiInputRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';
 import { useSplitFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';

 const DateRangeField(props) {
   const { internalProps, forwardedProps } = useSplitFieldProps(props, 'date');
   const { slotProps, slots } = forwardedProps;

   const startTextFieldProps = useSlotProps({
     elementType: 'input',
     externalSlotProps: slotProps?.textField,
     ownerState: { ...props, position: 'start' },

   const endTextFieldProps = useSlotProps({
     elementType: 'input',
     externalSlotProps: slotProps?.textField,
     ownerState: { ...props, position: 'end' },

-  const fieldResponse = useMultiInputDateRangeField({
-     sharedProps: internalProps,
-     startTextFieldProps,
-     endTextFieldProps,
-     unstableStartFieldRef: internalProps.unstableStartFieldRef,
-     unstableEndFieldRef: internalProps.unstableEndFieldRef,
-   });

+   const manager = useDateRangeManager(props);
+   const fieldResponse = useMultiInputRangeField({
+     manager,
+     internalProps,
+     startForwardedProps: startTextFieldProps,
+     endForwardedProps: endTextFieldProps,
+   });

   return ( /** Your UI */ )


This hook has been removed in favor of the new useMultiInputRangeField hook with an improved DX:

 import useSlotProps from '@mui/utils/useSlotProps';
-import { unstable_useMultiInputTimeRangeField as useMultiInputTimeRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputTimeRangeField';
+import { useTimeRangeManager } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
+import { unstable_useMultiInputRangeField as useMultiInputRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';
 import { useSplitFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';

 const DateRangeField(props) {
   const { internalProps, forwardedProps } = useSplitFieldProps(props, 'time');
   const { slotProps, slots } = forwardedProps;

   const startTextFieldProps = useSlotProps({
     elementType: 'input',
     externalSlotProps: slotProps?.textField,
     ownerState: { ...props, position: 'start' },

   const endTextFieldProps = useSlotProps({
     elementType: 'input',
     externalSlotProps: slotProps?.textField,
     ownerState: { ...props, position: 'end' },

-  const fieldResponse = useMultiInputTimeRangeField({
-     sharedProps: internalProps,
-     startTextFieldProps,
-     endTextFieldProps,
-     unstableStartFieldRef: internalProps.unstableStartFieldRef,
-     unstableEndFieldRef: internalProps.unstableEndFieldRef,
-   });

+   const manager = useTimeRangeManager(props);
+   const fieldResponse = useMultiInputRangeField({
+     manager,
+     internalProps,
+     startForwardedProps: startTextFieldProps,
+     endForwardedProps: endTextFieldProps,
+   });

   return ( /** Your UI */ )


This hook has been removed in favor of the new useMultiInputRangeField hook with an improved DX:

 import useSlotProps from '@mui/utils/useSlotProps';
-import { unstable_useMultiInputDateTimeRangeField as useMultiInputDateTimeRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateTimeRangeField';
+import { useDateTimeRangeManager } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
+import { unstable_useMultiInputRangeField as useMultiInputRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';
 import { useSplitFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';

 const DateRangeField(props) {
   const { internalProps, forwardedProps } = useSplitFieldProps(props, 'date-time');
   const { slotProps, slots } = forwardedProps;

   const startTextFieldProps = useSlotProps({
     elementType: 'input',
     externalSlotProps: slotProps?.textField,
     ownerState: { ...props, position: 'start' },

   const endTextFieldProps = useSlotProps({
     elementType: 'input',
     externalSlotProps: slotProps?.textField,
     ownerState: { ...props, position: 'end' },

-  const fieldResponse = useMultiInputDateTimeRangeField({
-     sharedProps: internalProps,
-     startTextFieldProps,
-     endTextFieldProps,
-     unstableStartFieldRef: internalProps.unstableStartFieldRef,
-     unstableEndFieldRef: internalProps.unstableEndFieldRef,
-   });

+   const manager = useDateTimeRangeManager(props);
+   const fieldResponse = useMultiInputRangeField({
+     manager,
+     internalProps,
+     startForwardedProps: startTextFieldProps,
+     endForwardedProps: endTextFieldProps,
+   });

   return ( /** Your UI */ )


  • The onOpen and onClose methods have been replaced with a single setOpen method. This method no longer takes an event, which was used to prevent the browser default behavior:

     const pickerContext = usePickerContext();
    -<button onClick={pickerContext.onOpen}>Open</button>
    +<button onClick={() => pickerContext.setOpen(true)}>Open</button>
    -<button onClick={pickerContext.onClose}>Close</button>
    +<button onClick={() => pickerContext.setOpen(false)}>Open</button>
    -  onClick={(event) =>
    - ? pickerContext.onClose(event) : pickerContext.onOpen(event)
    -  }
    -  Toggle
    +<button onClick={() => pickerContext.setOpen(prev => !prev)}>Toggle</button>

    If you want to prevent the default behavior, you now have to do it manually:

       onKeyDown={(event) => {
         if (event.key === 'Escape') {
    -      pickerContext.onClose();
    +      event.preventDefault();
    +      pickerContext.setOpen(false);


This hook has been removed. The custom field component now receives the clearable and onClear props.

You can remove the useClearableField hook from your component and use the new props to conditionally render the clear button:

-import { useClearableField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/hooks';

 function CustomField(props) {
   const {
+    clearable,
+    onClear,
   } = props;
-  const processedFieldProps = useClearableField({
-    ...fieldResponse,
-    slots,
-    slotProps,
-  });
+  {clearable && value && (
+    <IconButton title="Clear" tabIndex={-1} onClick={onClear}>
+      <ClearIcon />
+    </IconButton>
+  )}

Typing breaking changes

Do not pass the date object as a generic

The TDate generic has been removed from all the types, interfaces, and variables of the @mui/x-date-pickers and @mui/x-date-pickers-pro packages.

If you were passing your date object type as a generic to any element of one of those packages, you can remove it:

-<DatePicker<Dayjs> value={value} onChange={onChange} />
+<DatePicker value={value} onChange={onChange} />

-type FieldComponent = DatePickerSlots<Dayjs>['field'];
+type FieldComponent = DatePickerSlots['field'];

-function CustomDatePicker(props: DatePickerProps<Dayjs>) {}
+function CustomDatePicker(props: DatePickerProps) {}

Do not pass the section type as a generic

The TSection generic of the FieldRef type has been replaced with the TValue generic:

-const fieldRef = React.useRef<FieldRef<FieldSection>>(null);
+const fieldRef = React.useRef<Dayjs | null>(null);

-const fieldRef = React.useRef<FieldRef<RangeFieldSection>>(null);
+const fieldRef = React.useRef<DateRange<Dayjs>>(null);

⏩ Removed types

The following types are no longer exported by @mui/x-date-pickers and/or @mui/x-date-pickers-pro.

  • NonEmptyDateRange

    // When using AdapterDayjs
    import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
    type NonEmptyDateRange = [Dayjs, Dayjs];
    // When using AdapterLuxon
    import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
    type NonEmptyDateRange = [DateTime, DateTime];
    // When using AdapterMoment, AdapterMomentJalaali or AdapterMomentHijri
    import { Moment } from 'moment';
    type NonEmptyDateRange = [Moment, Moment];
    // When using AdapterDateFns, AdapterDateFnsV3, AdapterDateFnsJalali or AdapterDateFnsJalaliV3
    type NonEmptyDateRange = [Date, Date];
  • UseDateFieldComponentProps

    import { UseDateFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateField';
    import { PickerValidDate } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    type UseDateFieldComponentProps<
      TDate extends PickerValidDate,
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
      TChildProps extends {},
    > = Omit<
      keyof UseDateFieldProps<TDate, TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>
    > &
      UseDateFieldProps<TDate, TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>;
  • UseTimeFieldComponentProps

    import { UseTimeFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/TimeField';
    import { PickerValidDate } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    type UseTimeFieldComponentProps<
      TDate extends PickerValidDate,
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
      TChildProps extends {},
    > = Omit<
      keyof UseTimeFieldProps<TDate, TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>
    > &
      UseTimeFieldProps<TDate, TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>;
  • UseDateTimeFieldComponentProps

    import { UseDateTimeFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateTimeField';
    import { PickerValidDate } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    type UseDateTimeFieldComponentProps<
      TDate extends PickerValidDate,
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
      TChildProps extends {},
    > = Omit<
      keyof UseDateTimeFieldProps<TDate, TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>
    > &
      UseDateTimeFieldProps<TDate, TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>;
  • UseDateRangeFieldProps

    import { DateRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    interface UseDateRangeFieldProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
    > extends Omit<
      > {}
  • UseMultiInputDateRangeFieldProps

    import { DateRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    import { MultiInputFieldRefs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    interface UseMultiInputDateRangeFieldProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
    > extends DateRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>,
        MultiInputFieldRefs {}
  • UseMultiInputDateRangeFieldComponentProps

    import { DateRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    import { MultiInputFieldRefs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    type UseMultiInputDateRangeFieldComponentProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
      TChildProps extends {},
    > = Omit<
      | keyof DateRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>
      | keyof MultiInputFieldRefs
    > &
      DateRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure> &
  • UseMultiInputTimeRangeFieldProps

    import { TimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    import { MultiInputFieldRefs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    interface UseMultiInputTimeRangeFieldProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
    > extends TimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>,
        MultiInputFieldRefs {}
  • UseMultiInputTimeRangeFieldComponentProps

    import { TimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    import { MultiInputFieldRefs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    type UseMultiInputTimeRangeFieldComponentProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
      TChildProps extends {},
    > = Omit<
      | keyof TimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>
      | keyof MultiInputFieldRefs
    > &
      TimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure> &
  • UseMultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldProps

    import { DateTimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    import { MultiInputFieldRefs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    interface UseMultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
    > extends DateTimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>,
        MultiInputFieldRefs {}
  • UseMultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldComponentProps

    import { DateTimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/managers';
    import { MultiInputFieldRefs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
    type UseMultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldComponentProps<
      TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure extends boolean,
      TChildProps extends {},
    > = Omit<
      | keyof DateTimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure>
      | keyof MultiInputFieldRefs
    > &
      DateTimeRangeManagerFieldInternalProps<TEnableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure> &
  • MultiInputRangeFieldClasses

    // If you were using MultiInputRangeFieldClasses for a date range field.
    import { MultiInputDateRangeFieldClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateRangeField';
    // If you were using MultiInputRangeFieldClasses for a time range field.
    import { MultiInputTimeRangeFieldClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputTimeRangeField';
    // If you were using MultiInputRangeFieldClasses for a date time range field.
    import { MultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateTimeRangeField';
  • MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey

    // If you were using MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey for a date range field.
    import { MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateRangeField';
    // If you were using MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey for a time range field.
    import { MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputTimeRangeField';
    // If you were using MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey for a date time range field.
    import { MultiInputRangeFieldClassKey } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateTimeRangeField';
  • BaseSingleInputFieldProps

    • If you are building a custom field for a Date Picker:

      -import {
      -  BaseSingleInputFieldProps,
      -  DateValidationError,
      -  FieldSection,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
      -import { UseDateFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateField';
      +import { DatePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DatePicker';
      -interface CustomDateFieldProps
      -  extends UseDateFieldProps<Dayjs, true>,
      -    BaseSingleInputFieldProps<
      -      Dayjs | null,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      FieldSection,
      -      true,
      -      DateValidationError
      -    > {}
      +interface CustomDateFieldProps extends DatePickerFieldProps {}
    • If you are building a custom field for a Time Picker:

      -import {
      -  BaseSingleInputFieldProps,
      -  TimeValidationError,
      -  FieldSection,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
      -import { UseTimeFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/TimeField';
      +import { TimePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/TimePicker';
      -interface CustomTimeFieldProps
      - extends UseTimeFieldProps<Dayjs, true>,
      - BaseSingleInputFieldProps<
      -      Dayjs | null,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      FieldSection,
      -      true,
      -      TimeValidationError
      - > {}
      +interface CustomTimeFieldProps extends TimePickerFieldProps {}
    • If you are building a custom field for a Date Time Picker:

      -import {
      -  BaseSingleInputFieldProps,
      -  DateTimeValidationError,
      -  FieldSection,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
      -import { UseDateTimeFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateTimeField';
      +import { DateTimePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateTimePicker';
      -interface CustomDateTimeFieldProps
      -  extends UseDateTimeFieldProps<Dayjs, true>,
      -    BaseSingleInputFieldProps<
      -      Dayjs | null,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      FieldSection,
      -      true,
      -      DateTimeValidationError
      -    > {}
      +interface CustomDateTimeFieldProps extends DateTimePickerFieldProps {}
    • If you are building a custom single input field for a Date Range Picker:

      -import {
      -  DateRangeValidationError,
      -  RangeFieldSection,
      -  DateRange,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
      -import {
      -  UseSingleInputDateRangeFieldProps
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/SingleInputDateRangeField';
      +import { DateRangePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateRangePicker';
      -interface CustomDateRangeFieldProps
      -  extends UseSingleInputDateRangeFieldProps<Dayjs, true>,
      -    BaseSingleInputFieldProps<
      -      DateRange<Dayjs>,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      RangeFieldSection,
      -      true,
      -      DateRangeValidationError
      -    >
      +interface CustomDateRangeFieldProps extends DateRangePickerFieldProps {}
    • If you are building a custom single input field for a Date Time Range Picker:

      -import {
      -  DateTimeRangeValidationError,
      -  RangeFieldSection,
      -  DateRange,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
      -import {
      -  UseSingleInputDateTimeRangeFieldProps
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/SingleInputDateTimeRangeField';
      +import {
      +  DateTimeRangePickerFieldProps
      +} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateTimeRangePicker';
      -interface CustomDateTimeRangeFieldProps
      -  extends UseSingleInputDateTimeRangeFieldProps<Dayjs, true>,
      -    BaseSingleInputFieldProps<
      -      DateRange<Dayjs>,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      RangeFieldSection,
      -      true,
      -      DateTimeRangeValidationError
      -    >
      +interface CustomDateTimeRangeFieldProps extends DateTimeRangePickerFieldProps {}
  • BaseMultiInputFieldProps

    • If you are building a custom multi input field for a Date Range Picker:

      -import {
      -  DateRangeValidationError,
      -  RangeFieldSection,
      -  DateRange,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
      -import {
      -  UseMultiInputDateRangeFieldProps
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateRangeField';
      +import { DateRangePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateRangePicker';
      -interface CustomDateRangeFieldProps
      -  extends UseMultiInputDateRangeFieldProps<Dayjs, true>,
      -    BaseMultiInputFieldProps<
      -      DateRange<Dayjs>,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      RangeFieldSection,
      -      true,
      -      DateRangeValidationError
      -    > {}
      +interface CustomDateRangeFieldProps
      +  extends Omit<
      +     DateRangePickerFieldProps,
      +    'unstableFieldRef' | 'clearable' | 'onClear'
      +  >,
      +  MultiInputFieldRefs {}
    • If you are building a custom multi input field for a Date Time Range Picker:

      -import {
      -  DateTimeRangeValidationError,
      -  RangeFieldSection,
      -  DateRange,
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
      -import {
      -  UseMultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldProps
      -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/MultiInputDateTimeRangeField';
      +import {
      +  DateTimeRangePickerFieldProps
      +} from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateTimeRangePicker';
      -interface CustomDateTimeRangeFieldProps
      -  extends UseMultiInputDateTimeRangeFieldProps<Dayjs, false>,
      -    BaseMultiInputFieldProps<
      -      DateRange<Dayjs>,
      -      Dayjs,
      -      RangeFieldSection,
      -      false,
      -      DateTimeRangeValidationError
      -    > {}
      +interface JoyMultiInputDateRangeFieldProps
      +  extends Omit<
      +     DateTimeRangePickerFieldProps,
      +    'unstableFieldRef' | 'clearable' | 'onClear'
      +  >,
      +  MultiInputFieldRefs {}
  • BasePickersTextFieldProps

    • If your Text Field is used inside a non-range picker or in a range-picker with a single input field:

      -import { BasePickersTextFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
      +import { BaseSingleInputPickersTextFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
       interface CustomTextFieldProps
      -  extends BasePickersTextFieldProps<true> {}
      +  extends BaseSingleInputPickersTextFieldProps<true> {}
    • If your Text Field is used inside a range-picker with a multi input field:

      -import { BasePickersTextFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
      +import { BaseMultiInputPickersTextFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/models';
       interface CustomTextFieldProps
      -  extends BasePickersTextFieldProps<true> {}
      +  extends BaseMultiInputPickersTextFieldProps<true> {}
  • ExportedUseClearableFieldProps

    interface ExportedUseClearableFieldProps {
      clearable?: boolean;
      onClear?: React.MouseEventHandler;
  • UseClearableFieldSlots

    interface UseClearableFieldSlots {
      clearIcon?: React.ElementType;
      clearButton?: React.ElementType;
  • UseClearableFieldSlotProps

    import { SlotComponentProps } from '@mui/utils';
    import { FieldOwnerState } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/models';
    import { ClearIcon } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/icons';
    import IconButton from '@mui/material/IconButton';
    interface UseClearableFieldSlotProps {
      clearIcon?: SlotComponentProps<typeof ClearIcon, {}, FieldOwnerState>;
      clearButton?: SlotComponentProps<typeof IconButton, {}, FieldOwnerState>;
  • UseClearableFieldResponse

    type UseClearableFieldResponse<TFieldProps extends {}> = Omit<
      'clearable' | 'onClear' | 'slots' | 'slotProps'

Theme breaking change


The theme entry have been renamed to have a coherent Picker / Pickers prefix:

 const theme = createTheme({
   components: {
-    MuiPickersPopper: {
+    MuiPickerPopper: {
       styleOverrides: {},

The props that can be overridden have also been limited to the one that did not cause any bugs:

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiPickerPopper: {
      defaultProps: {
        // Those are now the props with support for theme default props
        position: "bottom"
        classes: { root: "custom-root-class}

⏩ Stop using LicenseInfo from @mui/x-date-pickers-pro

The LicenseInfo object is no longer exported from the @mui/x-date-pickers-pro package. You can import it from @mui/x-license instead:

-import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
+import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-license';


⏩ Stop passing utils and the date object to some translation keys

Some translation keys no longer require utils and the date object as parameters, but only the formatted value as a string. The keys affected by this changes are: clockLabelText, openDatePickerDialogue and openTimePickerDialogue. If you have customized those translation keys, you have to update them following the examples below:

  • If you are setting a custom value in a picker component:
-clockLabelText: (view, time, utils) =>
-   `Select ${view}. ${
-     time === null || !utils.isValid(time)
-       ? 'No time selected'
-       : `Selected time is ${utils.format(time, 'fullTime')}`
-   }`
+clockLabelText: (view, formattedTime) =>
+   `Select ${view}. ${
+     formattedTime == null ? 'No time selected' : `Selected time is ${formattedTime}`
+   }`

-openDatePickerDialogue: (value, utils) =>
-  value !== null && utils.isValid(value)
-    ? `Choose date, selected date is ${utils.format(value, 'fullDate')}`
-    : 'Choose date',
+openDatePickerDialogue: (formattedDate) =>
+  formattedDate ? `Choose date, selected date is ${formattedDate}` : 'Choose date'

-openTimePickerDialogue: (value, utils) =>
-  value !== null && utils.isValid(value)
-    ? `Choose time, selected time is ${utils.format(value, 'fullTime')}`
-    : 'Choose time',
+openTimePickerDialogue: (formattedTime) =>
+  formattedTime ? `Choose time, selected time is ${formattedTime}` : 'Choose time'
  • If you are setting a custom value in the LocalizationProvider:
 <LocalizationProvider localeText={{
-   clockLabelText: (view, time, utils) =>
-     `Select ${view}. ${
-       time === null || !utils.isValid(time)
-         ? 'No time selected'
-         : `Selected time is ${utils.format(time, 'fullTime')}`
-     }`
+   clockLabelText: (view, formattedTime) =>
+     `Select ${view}. ${
+       formattedTime == null ? 'No time selected' : `Selected time is ${formattedTime}`
+     }`
-   openDatePickerDialogue: (value, utils) =>
-     value !== null && utils.isValid(value)
-      ? `Choose date, selected date is ${utils.format(value, 'fullDate')}`
-      : 'Choose date',
+   openDatePickerDialogue: (formattedDate) =>
+     formattedDate ? `Choose date, selected date is ${formattedDate}` : 'Choose date'
-   openTimePickerDialogue: (value, utils) =>
-     value !== null && utils.isValid(value)
-       ? `Choose time, selected time is ${utils.format(value, 'fullTime')}`
-       : 'Choose time',
+   openTimePickerDialogue: (formattedTime) =>
+     formattedTime ? `Choose time, selected time is ${formattedTime}` : 'Choose time'
 }} >
  • If you using this translation key in a custom component:
 const translations = usePickerTranslations();

-const clockLabelText = translations.clockLabelText(
-  view,
-  value,
-  {} as any,
-  value == null ? null : value.format('hh:mm:ss')
+const clockLabelText = translations.clockLabelText(
+  view,
+  value == null ? null : value.format('hh:mm:ss')

-const openDatePickerDialogue = translations.openDatePickerDialogue(
-  value,
-  {} as any,
-  value == null ? null : value.format('MM/DD/YYY')
+const openDatePickerDialogue = translations.openDatePickerDialogue(
+  value == null ? null : value.format('MM/DD/YYY')

-const openTimePickerDialogue = translations.openTimePickerDialogue(
-  value,
-  {} as any,
-  value == null ? null : value.format('hh:mm:ss')
+const openTimePickerDialogue = translations.openTimePickerDialogue(
+  value == null ? null : value.format('hh:mm:ss')

⏩ Remove unused adapter formats

The following unused formats have been removed from the adapters and can no longer be overridden via the dateFormats prop on the <LocalizationProvider /> component:

  • fullTime - please use fullTime12h and fullTime24h instead:
    -     fullTime: 'LT',
    +     fullTime12h: 'hh:mm A',
    +     fullTime24h: 'hh:mm',
  • keyboardDateTime - please use keyboardDateTime12h and keyboardDateTime24h instead:
    -     keyboardDateTime: 'DD.MM.YYYY | LT',
    +     keyboardDateTime12h: 'DD.MM.YYYY | hh:mm A',
    +     keyboardDateTime24h: 'DD.MM.YYYY | hh:mm',