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Migration from v7 to v8

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Tree View from v7 to v8.


This is a reference guide for upgrading @mui/x-tree-view from v7 to v8.

Start using the new release

In package.json, change the version of the Tree View package to next.

-"@mui/x-tree-view": "7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-tree-view": "next",

-"@mui/x-tree-view-pro": "7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-tree-view-pro": "next",

Using next ensures that it will always use the latest v8 pre-release version, but you can also use a fixed version, like 8.0.0-alpha.0.

Since v8 is a major release, it contains changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improved stability and to make room for new features. Described below are the steps needed to migrate from v7 to v8.

Run codemods

The preset-safe codemod will automatically adjust the bulk of your code to account for breaking changes in v8. You can run v8.0.0/tree-view/preset-safe targeting only Tree View or v8.0.0/preset-safe to target the other packages as well.

You can either run it on a specific file, folder, or your entire codebase when choosing the <path> argument.

# Tree View specific
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v8.0.0/tree-view/preset-safe <path>

# Target the other packages as well
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v8.0.0/preset-safe <path>

Breaking changes that are handled by this codemod are denoted by a ✅ emoji in the table of contents on the right side of the screen.

If you have already applied the v8.0.0/tree-view/preset-safe (or v8.0.0/preset-safe) codemod, then you should not need to take any further action on these items.

All other changes must be handled manually.

@mui/material peer dependency change

The @mui/material peer dependency has been updated to ^7.0.0 in an effort to smoothen the adoption of hybrid ESM and CJS support. This change should resolve ESM and CJS interoperability issues in various environments.

✅ Use Simple Tree View instead of Tree View

The <TreeView /> component has been renamed <SimpleTreeView /> which has exactly the same API:

-import { TreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view';
+import { SimpleTreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view';

-import { TreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeView';
+import { SimpleTreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view/SimpleTreeView';

   return (
-    <TreeView>
+    <SimpleTreeView>
       <TreeItem itemId="1" label="First item" />
-    </TreeView>
+    </SimpleTreeView>

If you were using theme augmentation, you will also need to migrate it:

 const theme = createTheme({
   components: {
-    MuiTreeView: {
+    MuiSimpleTreeView: {
       styleOverrides: {
         root: {
           opacity: 0.5,

If you were using the treeViewClasses object, you can replace it with the new simpleTreeViewClasses object:

 import { treeViewClasses } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeView';
 import { simpleTreeViewClasses } from '@mui/x-tree-view/SimpleTreeView';

-const rootClass = treeViewClasses.root;
+const rootClass = simpleTreeViewClasses.root;

New API to customize the Tree Item

The ContentComponent or ContentProps props of the TreeItem component have been removed in favor of the new slots, slotProps props and of the useTreeItem hook.

Learn more about the anatomy of the Tree Items and the customization utilities provided on the Tree Item Customization page.

Behavior change on the onClick and onMouseDown props of TreeItem

The onClick and onMouseDown were the only event callback that were passed to the content of the Tree Item instead of its root. The goal was to make sure that the callback was not fired when clicking on a descendant of a giving item. This inconsistency has been solved, all the event manager now target the root of the item, and you can use the onItemClick prop on the Tree View component to target the content of an item:

-  <TreeItem onClick={handleItemClick}>
+<SimpleTreeView onItemClick={handleItemClick}>
+  <TreeItem>

All the new Tree Item-related components and utils (introduced in the previous major to improve the DX of the Tree Item component) are becoming the default way of using the Tree Item and are therefore losing their 2 suffix:

 import * as React from 'react';
 import {
-  TreeItem2,
+  TreeItem,
-  TreeItem2Root,
+  TreeItemRoot,
-  TreeItem2Content,
+  TreeItemContent,
-  TreeItem2IconContainer,
+  TreeItemIconContainer,
-  TreeItem2GroupTransition,
+  TreeItemGroupTransition,
-  TreeItem2Checkbox,
+  TreeItemCheckbox,
-  TreeItem2Label,
+  TreeItemLabel,
-  TreeItem2Props,
+  TreeItemProps,
-  TreeItem2Slots,
+  TreeItemSlots,
-  TreeItem2SlotProps,
+  TreeItemSlotProps,
- } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItem2';
+ } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItem';
 import {
-  useTreeItem2,
+  useTreeItem,
-  unstable_useTreeItem2 as useAliasedTreeItem,
+  unstable_useTreeItem as useAliasedTreeItem,
-  UseTreeItem2Parameters,
+  UseTreeItemParameters,
-  UseTreeItem2ReturnValue,
+  UseTreeItemReturnValue,
-  UseTreeItem2Status,
+  UseTreeItemStatus,
-  UseTreeItem2RootSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemRootSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2ContentSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemContentSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2LabelInputSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemLabelInputSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2LabelSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemLabelSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2CheckboxSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemCheckboxSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2IconContainerSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemIconContainerSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2GroupTransitionSlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemGroupTransitionSlotOwnProps,
-  UseTreeItem2DragAndDropOverlaySlotOwnProps,
+  UseTreeItemDragAndDropOverlaySlotOwnProps,
- } from '@mui/x-tree-view/useTreeItem2';
+ } from '@mui/x-tree-view/useTreeItem';
- import { useTreeItem2Utils } from '@mui/x-tree-view/hooks';
+ import { useTreeItemUtils } from '@mui/x-tree-view/hooks';
 import {
-  TreeItem2Provider,
+  TreeItemProvider,
-  TreeItem2ProviderProps,
+  TreeItemProviderProps,
- } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItem2Provider';
+ } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItemProvider';
 import {
-  TreeItem2Icon,
+  TreeItemIcon,
-  TreeItem2IconProps,
+  TreeItemIconProps,
-  TreeItem2IconSlots,
+  TreeItemIconSlots,
-  TreeItem2IconSlotProps,
+  TreeItemIconSlotProps,
- } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItem2Icon';
+ } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItemIcon';
 import {
-  TreeItem2DragAndDropOverlay,
+  TreeItemDragAndDropOverlay,
-  TreeItem2DragAndDropOverlayProps,
+  TreeItemDragAndDropOverlayProps,
- } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItem2DragAndDropOverlay';
+ } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItemDragAndDropOverlay';
 import {
-  TreeItem2LabelInput,
+  TreeItemLabelInput,
-  TreeItem2LabelInputProps,
+  TreeItemLabelInputProps,
- } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItem2LabelInput';
+ } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeItemLabelInput';

publicAPI methods

Stop using publicAPI methods in the render

The Tree Items are now memoized to improve the performances of the Tree View components. If you call a publicAPI method in the render of an item, it might not re-render and you might not have the new value.

function CustomTreeItem(props) {
  const { publicAPI } = useTreeItemUtils();

  // Invalid

  // Valid
  React.useEffect(() => {

  // Valid
  function handleItemClick() {

If you need to access the tree item model inside the render, you can use the new useTreeItemModel hook:

+import { useTreeItemModel } from '@mui/x-tree-view/hooks';

 function CustomTreeItem(props) {
-  const { publicAPI } = useTreeItemUtils();
-  const item = publicAPI.getItem(props.itemId);
+  const item = useTreeItemModel(props.itemId);

Rename publicAPI.selectItem()

The selectItem method has been renamed setItemSelection:

 const { publicAPI } = useTreeItemUtils();

 const handleSelectItem() {
-  publicAPI.selectItem({ event, itemId: props.itemId, shouldBeSelected: true })
+  publicAPI.setItemSelection({ event, itemId: props.itemId, shouldBeSelected: true })

Change pubicAPI.setItemExpansion() signature

The setItemExpansion method now receives a single object instead of a list of parameters:

 const { publicAPI } = useTreeItemUtils();

 const handleExpandItem() {
-  publicAPI.setItemExpansion(event, props.itemId, true)
+  publicAPI.setItemExpansion({ event, itemId: props.itemId, shouldBeExpanded: true })

Apply the indentation on the item content instead of it's parent's group

The indentation of nested Tree Items is now applied on the content of the element. This is required to support features like the drag and drop re-ordering which requires every Tree Item to go to the far left of the Tree View.

Apply custom indentation

If you used to set custom indentation in your Tree Item, you can use the new itemChildrenIndentation prop to do it while supporting the new DOM structure:


Fallback to the old behavior

If you used to style your content element (for example to add a border to it) and you don't use the drag and drop re-ordering, you can manually put the padding on the group transition element to restore the previous behavior:

const CustomTreeItemContent = styled(TreeItemContent)(({ theme }) => ({
  // Remove the additional padding of nested elements
  padding: theme.spacing(0.5, 1),

const CustomTreeItemGroupTransition = styled(TreeItemGroupTransition)({
  // Add the padding back on the group transition element
  paddingLeft: 'var(--TreeView-itemChildrenIndentation) !important',